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Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia Idham Azis Appreciates the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections to be Safe, Smooth and Orderly

By Cpiet Rabu, 09 Desember 2020 Pengunjung (164) 2 Mins Read
Jakarta - The Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia, General Police Idham Azis, gave his appreciation to all elements of society, both local government, TNI, community leaders including the organizers who participated in securing regional head elections in 270 regions so that it runs safely, smoothly and conducive. The four-star general also gave his appreciation to the people who uphold the values ​​of democracy and the candidate pairs who have maturity in politics. That way they are able to prevent various forms of disturbance so that there is no upheaval in society. "We are grateful, the 2020 Regional Head Election, which was followed by 270 regions, went safely and under control without any disturbance," said Idham in his statement, Wednesday (9/12/2020). The Regional Head Election this time is different from the previous Regional Head Election because it was held in the mass of the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Therefore, all parties are required to be careful, especially the organizers. Every voter and polling station officer is obliged to comply with health protocols to minimize transmission. "The health protocol must be strict and it has been done in almost every voting," said Idham. The former head of the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency said that until now, the police had not received any incidents that stood out from the voting process today. He hopes that such peaceful conditions can be maintained. The public, including candidates and success teams, must also be prepared to accept all kinds of decisions because elections are part of democracy. "The synergy that is built in each region is hoped to be maintained in creating a safe climate for the community," concluded the former Regional Police Chief of Polda Metro Jaya.
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