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Regarding the attack in Jakarta, the Central Java Police Chief urged the public to remain calm and not be provocated

By Cpiet Kamis, 10 Desember 2020 Pengunjung (155) 2 Mins Read
Semarang, Central Java - The incident of attacking police officers by community organizations FPI using firearms and sharp weapons in Jakarta some time ago was a criminal act and endangered police officers. The Police of the Republic of Indonesia are legal government institutions as law enforcers, security and order guards as mandated in Law No.2 of 2002. All people / people living in Indonesia must comply with the applicable law. The Head of the Central Java Regional Police emphasized that the State must not lose to thuggery. Together with that, to avoid unrest in the community that was caused by the thuggery action of this mass organization, the Police Chief appealed to the people of Central Java not to be provoked. "We hope that the people of Central Java will remain calm and not be provoked. Trust the Indonesian Police and the Indonesian National Army to handle these thuggery acts." explained the Head of Regional Police, Wednesday (9/12). In addition, the Regional Police Chief also appealed to the public to comply with applicable laws in Indonesia by not violating legal rules. "Remember that we still need to fight Covid 19 together with the 3M health protocol and avoid crowds." appealed to the Head of Regional Police. Especially for FPI Community Organizations in Central Java, the Head of the Central Java Regional Police, reminded him to obey the prevailing laws and not overreact to the incident in Jakarta. "We ask to continue to behave well, politely and be religious by obeying the prevailing laws and not overreacting to events in Jakarta." appealed to the Head of Regional Police. Regarding this case, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, ensured that the investigation process would be carried out in a transparent and professional manner and supervised by the Police Propam Division. This was done as an effort to create professional law enforcement.
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