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Chief of the Indonesian National Police Affirms the Value of Unity and Unity in the Face of Santri

By Cpiet Minggu, 21 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (16) 4 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Magelang. The Chief of the Indonesian National Police (INP), Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo attended an invitation at the Subhanul Wathon Islamic Boarding School, Central Java (Central Java) on Saturday (20/5/23). During the event, the Chief of INP conveyed the importance of maintaining the value of unity and oneness.

"So today, I received an invitation from Central Java's Rabithah Ma'ahid al-Islamiyah (RMI) to provide material related to the problem of challenges to Islamic boarding schools in dealing with radicalism. Of course, this is very much in line with the police program, which of course we also always want to maintain the 4 pillars. , whose name is tolerance, and a life that is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," said the Chief of INP after becoming a speaker, Saturday (20/5/23).

According to him, guarding, guarding, and maintaining the spirit of unity and unity of the Indonesian State is a fundamental thing that must be maintained by all elements of society. Because it is the main strength of the Indonesian Nation to face all the challenges that exist.

He said, hand in hand all the problems, both from within and outside the country would be overcome properly. Therefore, realizing unity and integrity from the existing diversity will deliver the vision and mission of Golden Indonesia 2045.

"Because indeed, the strength of our nation is the strength of diversity. If we manage it, this will of course be able to lead Indonesia to become an advanced Indonesia, a better Indonesia, the Indonesia that we all aspire to together towards a Golden Indonesia 2045," he said.

The Chief of INP does not forget to socialize all students to be aware of the spread of false information and black campaigns, especially on social media when entering the political year during the 2024 Election simultaneously. This appeal is needed to avoid the potential for division of the nation.

"Therefore, of course, we remind the whole community, especially the students, to be careful. So filter before sharing. So that then things that can divide the nation, divide unity must be avoided," he explained.

Regarding the Democratic party, he reminded me, whoever the leader chooses, protecting and maintaining the value of the unity and integrity of the Indonesian Nation, is a must.

"Of course, whomever the leader is. Once again, whomever the leader is, whose name is unity and oneness is above all. Because whomever the leader needs is the unity and integrity of the community, the unity and integrity of the nation, to carry out national programs going forward. And, to face global challenges which are full of uncertainty," said the Chief of INP.

On the other hand, he said that the Indonesian National Police had formed a team and synergized with all parties to prevent the spread of false information or hoaxes during the 2024 election.

"Of course, we have formed a team and we will also work with RMI to monitor potential hoaxes earlier. We are also working with Kominfo to then take steps regarding matters like that," he explained.

On the other hand, during the event, many students expressed their wish to become police personnel. The Chief of INP also welcomed the wishes of the students.

"So we discussed many things earlier. Including many students who want to become police officers and we are very happy," he explained.

The Chief of INP said, with the joining of students as police personnel, it is in line with the Indonesian National Police program regarding the development of superior human resources, providing the best service, and realizing the police are loved and close to all Indonesian people. In addition, with students who have abilities in religious matters, of course, there will be no doubt.

"This will strengthen the development of superior human resources in the police. And also when interacting with the community, at this time in particular we continue to encourage and develop so that we can continue to serve more and more closely to the community," explained the Chief of INP.


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