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DPR RI Appreciated The Effort of Police in Securing the Homecoming of 2022

By Cpiet Jumat, 06 Mei 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Anticipating the return flow of the 2022 homecoming, Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) appreciates the steps taken by the Police. The National Police (Polri) has collaborated with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and other stakeholders in preparing strategies to anticipate traffic congestion. The Head of the Public Relations Division (Kadiv Humas) of Polri, Inspector General Dr. Dedi Prasetyo, M.Hum., M.Si., M.M., revealed that they have prepared seven strategies to ensure the security and safety of travelers. Deputy Chairman of Commission III, Ahmad Sahroni, assessed that the police had been very alert and prepared in handling the traffic during the homecoming and return flows of Eid 2022. Although not everyone was satisfied, the policy was right on target. “This must be a tough condition, because the community has been prohibited to make a trip for two years. But, from what I have observed, the police have succeeded in making this year's homecoming conducive and not chaotic. The policies taken by the police are clearly on target, although not all are happy with it," said Ahmad Sahroni in his statement, Friday (6/5/2022). In addition, according to Ahmad Sahroni, the Police have succeeded in collaborating with other institutions in supporting the strategy to anticipate the homecoming flow. Therefore, Ahmad Sahroni hopes that the return flow will run according to the engineering that has been prepared. "Polri not only deploy more than one hundred thousand members, but also collaborate with the Ministry of Transportation and other related institutions to control the traffic. With this collaboration, it definitely helps the success of the ketupat operation during 28 April-9 May 2022. I hope the public can follow all the strategies that have been prepared by the Police so that this backflow can run according to the prepared plan," said Ahmad Sahroni.
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