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DPR RI Chair Calls for the Young Generations to Fight Against the Corruption

By Pramudita Selasa, 10 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (138) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Chair of Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Puan Maharani, invites the young generations to fight against all corruption malpractices.

Puan said this in commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day which falls on December 9th every year.

"I invite the younger generation to actively participate in fighting corruption. Young people have great potential to free Indonesia from corruption practices," said Puan on Monday (12/9/2024).

According to Puan, the most effective way to eradicate corruption is to eliminate corrupt acts from early on. This can only be done by young people who will later become the nation's successors.

In addition, she also considered young people to be agents of national change who can determine the direction of Indonesia's future.

By cultivating an understanding of anti-corruption from an early age, Puan believes that these agents of national change will make Indonesia better.

"The young generation can also help oversee every state policy to ensure that Indonesia is free from corruption. Young people are the mainstay of this nation to have a brighter future," said Puan.

On the other hand, Puan also encouraged law enforcers from the Corruption Eradication Committee, the Attorney General's Office to the Indonesian National Police to be serious in eradicating criminal acts of corruption.

"All elements of the nation must work together and synergize to create an Indonesia that is free from corrupt practices," calls Puan.


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