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During the Eight Days of 2021 Ketupat Jaya operation, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police Has pushed back 64,612 Eid travellers.

By Cpiet Sabtu, 15 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (19) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. A total of 64,612 Eid homecomers pushed back by Jakarta' Police during eight-day of 2021 Ketupat Jaya Operation "The total number of vehicles being sent back is 64,612," explained the Head of PR Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus. These numbers are obtained from 21 isolation points and 23 checkpoints in the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police's Traffic Management Directorate jurisdiction. Motorbikes are the most vehicles being sent back with a total of 47,627. Meanwhile, there were 13,880 private cars, 2,556 buses, and 549 freight modes of transport. The total number of vehicles inspected at the 44 posts are 131,218 vehicles On the first day of Eid, the police did not find any illegal travel, but previously the police managed to find 17 illegal travellers who were still desperate to bring other Eid homecomers. (af / bq / hy)
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