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Eid 2024: Mass Movement Predicted at 193.6 Million

By Cpiet Selasa, 12 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (21) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. A joint study by the Ministry of Transportation, in partnership with other agencies and experts, forecasted a significant mass movement of people during Eid al-Fitr this year, estimating around 193.6 million travelers. Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that the forecast was based on survey conducted for Eid 2024. Compared to the previous year's movement of 123.8 million people during Eid, this marks a notable increase. To manage this movement, he outlined various measures, including regulating departure timing, offering early-bird transportation discounts, providing free transportation, implementing traffic engineering, and offering toll road discounts. These efforts aim to regulate traffic flow, particularly in areas prone to congestion. According to the survey, the majority of travelers, approximately 61 million, will head to Central Java. In addition, 37.6 million people plan to travel to East Java, and 32.1 million to West Java. Trains are the preferred mode of transportation for Eid travel, followed by buses, private cars, and motorcycles. The survey indicates that the peak day for the exodus is expected to be two days before Eid, on 8 April 2024, with an estimated movement of 26.6 million people. Conversely, the peak return day is projected to be three days after Eid, on 14 April 2024, with an estimated movement of 41 million people. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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