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Food Security to be the Key of Strong Relationship Between Authorities and Locals

By Admin INP Rabu, 08 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (92) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Ampana. The Head of Preventive Task Force III of Madago Raya Ops, Senior Superintendent Kurniawan Tandi Rongre emphasized to his personnel the importance of maintaining food stability. He says that with secure food stocks, they could carry out their duties without having to worry about logistic issues.

“This is also important in maintaining morale and physical condition of our personnel,” says Kurniawan on Tuesday (1/7/2025).

Kurniawan adds that the activity of maintaining food supplies not only focused on task force internal needs, but also meeting the needs of locals around the location.

“Other than ensuring the needs of our supplies are met, we also tried to support the food security of the locals, particularly near our operation area. We have been working together with various parties to ensure that the public will not experience any food shortage as we are educating them on how to preserve and manage the food effectively,” adds Kurniawan.

According to Kurniawan, the activity is a concrete step to tighten the relationship between personnel and the locals. He hopes that with the involvement of Indonesian National Police in supporting the local food security, the bond between them will be stronger and enable them to work hand-in-hand in developing the region.


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