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Garut Police Flown Their Officers With Paragliding and Paramotor to Monitor People on the Return Flow

By Cpiet Selasa, 10 Mei 2022 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The return flow of the Eid holiday is predicted to still occur in Garut Regency. The police prepared a unique way to release travelers across the Galur route. Garut Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, S.I.K., M.Sc., flown three officers using paragliding and paramotor. They will guide and give advice to travelers who are in the return flow. "The return flow still occur today, although it is not as crowded as before. We use paragliding to tell the people to maintain the public safety and security," said the Garut Police Chief, on Monday (09/05/22). The Garut Police Chief said that the paragliding officers would fly on two Garut homecoming routes, which are Malangnong and the urban routes. They fly to convey the messages of security, order and smooth traffic. With this initiation, the police also hope that the traveler can be entertained. "Of course we hope the community can return home safely. Then also complied with the traffic rules properly," stated the Garut Police Chief. Based on the monitoring of Garut Police, travelers are still passing through Malangbong and Kadungora. Garut Police Chief explained, the peak of the returnflow in the Garut route occurred on Thursday (05/05/22). That day was the largest number of vehicles passing on the Garut route to Bandung which is around 170,000 vehicles. The implementation of the Ketupat Lodaya Ops in order to secure the 2022 Eid Al-Fitr in Garut itself is claimed to be successful "Alhamdulillah, there were no fatal accidents. Everything is under control and no one died," concluded the Garut Police Chief.
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