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Gorontalo Police Secured the Student who Insulted President Joko Widodo

By Cpiet Minggu, 04 September 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Gorontalo Regional Police inspects one of the Gorontalo State University students, initialed YP, who allegedly insulted President Joko Widodo in social media. Gorontalo Police Chief, Inspector General Helmy Santika said that YP was examined after a clip video went viral in social media during a speech at a rally on Friday, September 2, 2022. In that clip, YP said inappropriate words to the president and the video quickly received various comments in the internet. “For that, we move quickly to secure the person to Gorontalo Police and asks the person some questions,” said Gorontalo Police Chief. The step taken by the police is supported by the university. On the other hand, the Student Executive Board of the university accompany YP when he was examined in Gorontalo Police HQ. According to Gorontalo Police Chief, the examination of YP was also intended to protect YP from being harmed by verbal persecutions. “From his statement, he said those words spontaneously,” said Inspector General Helmy Santika. “His status is witness. We, too, here do not want to hinder the aspirations of the person concerned and ruin his future,” stressed Inspector General Helmy. The police used soft-approach in dealing with this issue. YP was given the advice, that it is permissible to voice your aspirations in public, but we still have to comply with the norms and general ethics.
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