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The Polemic of Putra Candrawati Detention

By Cpiet Senin, 05 September 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.poplri.go.id - The polemic regarding the detention of the wife of former Head of the Propam Division Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawati, who until now has not been detained by Polri investigators, is still ongoing. The police are considered not to have applied the principle of balance in the law, because Putri was not detained, even though her sentence was more than five years. In fact, almost all suspects in criminal cases and the threat of a sentence of more than five years are always detained. Sunday, (09/04). Of course, investigators have objective and subjective reasons in determining whether someone is detained or not detained in a criminal case. The existence of small children who still have to be taken care of, can indeed be a subjective reason why the Police do not detain the suspect. Moreover, the Police are also sure that the suspect will not escape or destroy evidence, so she is not obliged to undergo detention. According to Rahmat Edi Irawan, a communication expert, the issue of the detention of Putri Candrawati is not the urgent problem that needs to be paid attention at. “Instead, the both the public prosecutor and the suspect's lawyer, it is better to focus on the case and found strong evidence that they could use in the trial,” he said.
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