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HLF MSP 2024 in Bali Surpasses Participation Target

By Admin 1 Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (47) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar. The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 has exceeded its participation target, attracting 1,275 attendees compared to the initial goal of 1,000.

Deputy for Politics, Law, and Security at the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Bogat Widyatmoko, confirmed on Saturday (331/8/2024) that that participants hail from 26 countries, including 782 government representatives, 102 from international organizations, 107 from NGOs, 128 from the private sector, and 56 from academic communities.

Themed "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Towards Transformative Change," HLF MSP 2024 is a precursor to the Summit of the Future in New York on 22 and 23 September 2024, according to antaranews.com.

President Joko Widodo will host a Welcoming Dinner and open the main sessions on the second day, with keynotes from Indonesia’s elected President Prabowo Subianto and Timor Leste’s Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão.

The forum includes 12 parallel events and 17 side events, focusing on sustainable development and cross-sector cooperation. The event runs until 3 September 2024, at the Bali International Convention Center, Nusa Dua.



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