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Holiday Season on the Horizon, BNPT Highlights the Importance of Terrorism Early Detection

By Cpiet Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Prevention Director of National Counter-Terrorism Agency, Irfan Idris, states preventive measure and early detection are important to prevent terrorism which endangers 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year Eve. “We also have to be aware with small actions that took advantage other nations conflict. We are also building productive and interactive communication with related stakeholders,” says Idris on Thursday (12/14/2023). According to Idris, negative propagandas often occurred during new year holiday season, whereas Christmas and new year eve holidays should have been celebrated with joy. “People has to also to be aware so that our unity would not be disturbed by anyone, whenever, wherever. World should have learned from the conflicts and tragedies occurred in the Middle East, particularly in Palestine-Israel,” Idris said. He also said terrorism is an transnational crime that has to be understand comprehensively as their action is hard to detect partially. “Just like church bombing happened in Marawi, Phllipines. Things like these has to be anticipated as it potentially triggered similar actions in other regions due to their wide networks,” explains Idris. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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