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East Kalimantan Police Chief Welcomes Tribun Media Entourage in Discussing Technology Advancement

By Cpiet Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (12) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan Regional Police Inspector General Nanang Avianto welcomes the visit of East Java Tribun media news on Wednesday (13/12/2023). The visit meant to build stronger relationship and constructive cooperation. In the meetings, Nanang was accompanied by East Kalimantan PR Chief in welcoming entourage of East Java Tribun news including Chief Editor of the East Kalimantan Tribun, Ibnu Taufik Juwariyanto; Advertising Manager, Eko Umaryadi; and Coverage Coordinator, Adhinata Kusuma. Nanang discussed about the massive and rapid technology development nowadays as he remarks that online media could be the best medium for learning or the worst threat for digital space. “If we are not careful, this could become something so dangerous. But if we took another perspective that these are the new learning medium, this could prove beneficial for us all,” says the police chief on Wednesday (12/13/2023). The Two-Star General then gives an example that nowadays it is common for kids to have their own phones. What is concerning, he said, is that most of the contents watched by kids are those that should not be consumed by them, such as pornography and gambling. Those contents prove to be dangerous for the next generations of Indonesia, said Nanang. According to East Kalimantan Police Chief, online media technology has the most rapid advancement among others. He admits that the advancement opens many doors of opportunities. However, he reminds there are rules that has to be complied in using online media, such as not being racist or spewing hate speech. (ad/my/pr/nm)
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