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Hubla Tribes Children Continued Their Learning Session as Police Returned with Their Si-Ipar Program

By Cpiet Sabtu, 05 November 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  Noken Community Development of Yahukimo returns with their Si Ipar program activities on Paradiso street, Hubla Tribe Complex, Friday, (3/11). This activity has become a regular activity with the aim of improving the education quality of Yahukimo's children. The regional coordinator of Yahukimo Community Development Unit, Ipda I Made Budi Dumariawan, explained that the learning session starts by praying and singing national anthem with the kids. Then, the teacher starts teaching by dividing the kids into two groups. “For the 5-7 years old, we teach them about alphabets, while for the 8-11 years old, we taught them how to read and count,” said Ipda I Made Budi Dumariawan said that in their teaching method, his party repeated the subject that they had taught in previous meeting. They asked the kids about numbers and letters to remember what has been taught. “The aim is to make them easier to remember and understand what we have been taught to them,” continued Ipda Dumariawan. Meanwhile, the Head of Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations, Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal, stated his hope that the program could go according to the goals of Cartenz Peace Ops, which is to educate the children of Papua, particularly those who live in remote area, because the success of this program could greatly help the development of Papua. “Through this program, together we build a better Papua through educational means, so that in the future, they would take the torch in bringing significant positive changes in Papua,” said Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal.
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