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Human Rights Minister Committed to Oversee State Development

By Pramudita Minggu, 03 November 2024 Pengunjung (212) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Human Rights Minister Natalius Pigai affirms his commitment in overseeing the state development based on Human Rights values, both in food, housing, education, health and economic sectors.

“As part of the ministries, the supporting tools of the President, we will try to make sure all policies made for the sake of state development are felt by the people,” says Minister Pigai on Thursday (10/31/2024).

Furthermore, he relays there are three state duties in relation to human rights, namely the obligation to respect human rights, protect human rights, and fulfill human rights needs.

Fulfillment of human rights needs are also included in food, shelter, education, health, and economy sectors.

"Therefore, when people ask who is responsible for hunger? It is the government. Illiteracy? also the government responsibility," explained the Minister of Human Rights.

Over the next five years, the Ministry of Human Rights is committed to being at the forefront in ensuring that human rights policies reach those who need them, those who deserve them, and those who are at the edge of development.


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