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Hundreds of Loud Exhaust Seized by Police during Intensified Routine Activity

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (127) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Garut. Police have successfully seized thousands of loud exhaust during the Intensified Routine Activity (KRYD) in Garut, West Java. The activity was to create safety and comfort for the public during the election process in West Java.

“KRYD was held to maintain situation and security in Garut Regency,” says the Deputy Chief of Garut Sub-regional Police, Police Assistant Superintendent Dhoni Erwanto on Sunday (10/27/2024).

 In the operation that has been held from Saturday night to Sunday morning, police have seized a total of 214 loud exhaust from numerous bikes caught in police raids.

Other than exhaust, police also found many liquors and drugs, along with thuggery and biker gang activity that disturbs the community.

Furthermore, he says that the operation is also supported by ranks of military, mobile brigade unit, Civil Service Police Unit, and Polri partners in Garut.

“The raid against loud exhaust and liquor will be carried out everyday as it often causes provocation and commotion in the community,” explains Dhoni.

At the end of the occasion, he hoped that the routine operation could continue to be supported by various public elements in order to maintain order and the situation in Garut.


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