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Indonesia Aims to Send Aid to Palestine-Sudan Starting Next Week

By Cpiet Selasa, 26 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) planned to start sending humanitarian aid worth more than USD 1 million to civilian victims of conflict in Gaza, Palestine, and Khartoum, Sudan, starting next week. Suharyanto, the Head of BNPB, told reporters on Tuesday (26/3/2024) that the aid, comprising medicines and medical equipment, would be airlifted from Indonesia, mainly using Garuda aircraft. "We hope to execute the dispatch next week, pending some technical matters to discuss with the Task Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health," he said, as reported by antaranews.com If all goes smoothly, Indonesia's humanitarian aid will be sent twice to the displacement sites in Palestine and Sudan, Suharyanto added. "For Palestine, distribution will be directly handled by the Egyptian government, which is currently assisting conflict victims displaced in their territory," he said. Since 2023, the Indonesian government has delivered aid six times, ensuring safe arrival in conflict areas. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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