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Indonesia-Australia Collaborates in Boosting Indonesian Halal Products Competitiveness

By Admin INP Jumat, 24 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (103) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) and Global Australian Halal Certification (GAHC) discussed cooperation opportunities in boosting the competitiveness of Indonesian halal products in the Australian market.

Minister of Trade Budi Santoso said the halal product market in Australia is growing promisingly as the Indonesian halal products have to be able to compete in the growing market.

“The Trade Ministry has discussed cooperation with GAHC to boost the competitiveness of Indonesian halal products in Australia as part of the effort in improving exports,” says Minister Budi Santoso on Friday (1/24/2025).

In the meeting, the three parties devised three plans in providing global standard halal certification. The goal is to expand export market access.

Next is increasing the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in meeting international halal standards. And lastly is supporting the marketing of MSMEs halal products in Indonesia and abroad.

The Minister of Trade said that Australia is the 18th destination country for Indonesian halal product exports. Over the past five years (2019-2023), the trend of Indonesian halal product exports to Australia has grown by 7.15 percent and its export value reached 515.27 million US dollars in 2023.

"We estimate that the Australian halal product market will continue to increase by 6.1 percent for the next ten years (2025-2034) with a projected value reaching 26 billion US dollars in 2034," explained the Minister of Trade.

Meanwhile, the export opportunities for halal products in the global market are still quite promising. The trend in world demand for halal products shows a positive growth of 9.13 percent with a projected world import value reaching 591.96 billion US dollars in 2034.

To encourage the export of Indonesian halal products, several efforts that have been carried out by the Ministry of Trade are providing halal certification for cosmetic products and cosmetic ingredients for small and medium enterprises.

GAHC is one of the Overseas Halal Institutions (LHLN) based in Australia. GAHC is committed to supporting the growth of the halal industry globally and supporting the activities of the Indonesian diaspora in Australia.

As a halal certification body, GAHC has been accredited in Indonesia through the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) and in Australia through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).

GAHC serves various industries, including slaughterhouses (abattoir), food companies, raw materials, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and logistics processes.


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