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Indonesia Reaffirm Commitment in Climate Action

By Pramudita Jumat, 15 November 2024 Pengunjung (113) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesia has reaffirmed their commitment on climate action that has been agreed since the previous government.

“I, representing President Prabowo, conveys his message that we are committed to boost our climate action and continue the police that has been set by the previous president,” said the Special Envoy of President for COP29, Hashim S Djojohadikusumo on Wednesday (11/13/2024).

Hashim says that President Prabowo has the economic growth vision of eight percent per year and ensures an environmentally friendly development, sustainable, and inclusive for all.

“This vision is our goal to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2060 or sooner and avoid one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions," added Presidential Special Envoy Hashim.

Hashim reveals that such efforts taken by Indonesia include shifting from fossil fuel-based development to renewable energy-based development with an additional 75 percent of power generation capacity. A 70,000-kilometer smart transmission line will also be built to channel energy to all of Indonesia's main and most populous islands.

Indonesia will also develop a green smart grid, adding 42 gigawatts of wind and solar power, tripling its energy capacity to a total of 75 gigawatts.

Affordable energy will also be provided to accelerate the development, create more job opportunities, guarantee food security, and eradicate poverty for the well-being of people while balancing growth, environment, and sustainability.

It will also replant more than 12 million hectares of severely degraded forests over time, revitalize degraded lands to increase food production, protect oceans for the well-being of the blue economy, and empower local communities for climate resilience and quality green jobs.

"Our efforts require three supporting factors, namely a comprehensive green growth policy framework that we are finalizing, a massive investment of $235 billion, and international collaboration," said Hashim.

It is necessary to mobilize global resources in terms of technology, finance, and investment, forming a unity to combat global warming and reclaim the right of humanity to survive.

Indonesia is indeed blessed with vast aquifers that offer a carbon capture and storage capacity of nearly 500 gigatons. Several multinational companies have also expressed high interest in the multibillion-dollar project.

“We will also focus on developing a strong carbon market started by optimizing 557 tons of verified carbon credits in Indonesia. We have to work together in giving a better future to our next generation,” said Hashim.


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