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Indonesian Ministry of Finance Awarded Banyuwangi Police for Their Best IKPA 2021

By Cpiet Rabu, 15 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Banyuwangi Police has awarded by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) of Indonesia due to their best performance in Budget Implementation Performance Indicator (IKPA) of year 2021. The award was given by the National Police Chief (Kapolri), General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si., to the Banyuwangi Police Chief, AKBP. Deddy Foury Millewa in the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) of the National Police (Polri) at the Tribrata Conference Room, South Jakarta, Tuesday (14/6/2022). AKBP. Deddy Foury Millewa said that this award is for the Banyuwangi Police as a whole. The funds were used accordingly, thus made the region more conducive. “This achievement is part of our seriousness in administrating the finances from the state so that we could realize the Precise Polri,” said Banyuwangi Police Chief. Regarding this achievement, the Head of the State Police Finance Center (Kapuskeu) of Polri also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Banyuwangi Police. "This award is to show the state’s appreciation through the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to the Police, especially the Banyuwangi Police, for their achievements in efficient, effective, accountable and transparent management of state finances. Congratulations and maintain your good performance," said Kapuskeu Polri, Brigadier General Luke Akbar Abriari. This award is given to the units within the Polda, Polres Metro/Polrestabes/Polresta and Polres who have a very good budget management category. There are five assessment before awarding the award to the best units, namely budget absorption, consistency of the initial RPD, consistency of the final RPD, output achievement, and efficiency. "Out of the five assessment and three categories, the Banyuwangi Police got the first rank in the Metro Police/Polrestabes/Polresta Category with a ceiling of Rp100 billion to Rp150 billion, with a very good Budget Performance Value (NKA) category," he concluded.
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