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INP Baharkam Explains Security Operations for 2024 General Elections During Hearing Meeting

By Cpiet Kamis, 16 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta.  Indonesian National Police (INP) Maintenance and Security Agency (Baharkam) Chief, Fadil Imran states that his party has prepared three operations to secure 2024 General Elections. This was stated during Baharkam hearing meeting with Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Third Commission. In his remarks, Fadil explains that the first security operation is Nusantara Cooling System Operation, which aims to carry out closed detection, investigation, and security, while also to gather intelligence and escalation potentials. The second operation is Mantap Brata Operation, the security operation to anticipate pre-disruptions and disruptions during election stages. And the final operation in Contingency Aman Nusa Operation which are further divided into three sub-operations. “The contingency operation is aimed to handle real and contingent disruptions caused by social conflicts, natural disasters and terrorism,” says Fadil. Furthermore, Fadil also conveys that for Mantap Brata operation and other security operations, police will deploy two-thirds of their troops. “The Mantap Brata Operation is supported by two-third of INP strength, while the one-third others will be deployed for police routine activities,” explains Fadil. (ad/ay/pr/nm)
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