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Menko PMK and INP Plants 10 Million Trees in Madiun

By Cpiet Kamis, 16 November 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Madiun. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, along with Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, plants 10 millions trees in Pangeran Timoer Caruban Sports Arena complex, Madiun, East java. Muhadjir reveals that President Joko Widodo has given direct orders to INP Chief to command his troops in planting trees as effort to suppress the risks of global warming and climate change. “Therefore, I offer my gratitude to INP Chief who willingly support and intensify the 10 million trees planting program as ordered by the President. It is a coincidence that we have similar programs since last May where we had plant 5 million trees, which then we believe that this program will able to achieve its target,” says Muhadjir. Muhadjir invites all parties to collaborate and continue to plant the trees so that Indonesia would then able to plant another 90 million trees in the near future. Meanwhile, INP Chief states that the 10 million trees plantation is a requirement for today. “The current global warming that we felt forced us in facing and thinking on how to overcome this issue. This effort is one of the solutions from us to suppress the risks of climate change and extreme weather,” says the INP Chief. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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