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INP Bhayangkari Conducts Social and Health Outreach Program in Sebatik Island

By Admin 1 Minggu, 15 September 2024 Pengunjung (85) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  The Indonesian National Police (INP) Bhayangkari conducted a social and health outreach program on Sebatik Island, Nunukan, one of Indonesia's outermost islands on Friday to mark the 72nd Bhayangkari (HKGB) anniversary,

Bhayangkari is the official organization of the wives of INP officers. It supports social and humanitarian activities, aiming to contribute to community welfare and support police officers' families.

"Our HKGB 72nd anniversary activities include social and health services. We hope our efforts benefit the people of North Kalimantan, " said Ning Imam Widodo, who represented Bhayangkari's Chair Juliati Sigit Prabowo, on Saturay (14/9/2024),

The program, led by Bhayangkari leaders, provided 4,000 food packages, 253 stunting kits, 53 school supplies, and 30 circumcision packages. They also donated eight wheelchairs and installed water wells at nine locations across North Kalimantan. 

Health services saw 871 participants, covering general health checks, laboratory tests, dental and eye exams, and more.



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