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INP Chief Amazed with the Valet and Ride Program of Central Java Regional Police

By Admin INP Rabu, 19 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (84) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly reviewed the security preparation for the 2025 Eid homecoming and return flow in the Brebes area, Central Java, on Wednesday (3/19/2025).

During this visit, General Sigit was accompanied by the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ribut Hari Wibowo along with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum ranks and related stakeholders to ensure that all aspects of security, logistics, and facilities run optimally to support the smooth flow of homecoming.

In his visit, General Sigit specifically reviewed the preparation of the Valet and Ride program initiated by the Central Java Regional Police in welcoming the 2025 Eid homecoming. He also appreciated the Valet and Ride policy initiated by the Central Java Police.

Sigit considered this to be an innovation in service for travelers using motorbikes.

"The Valet and Ride program is an innovation of free services for motorcyclists who want to leave for homecoming. They will be going from a checkpoint in Brebes Regency to Semarang City using a bus, while their motorbikes will be transported using a truck," said General Sigit, Wednesday (3/19/2025).

The Head of Central Java Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Artanto says that the program will be going from March 24 to March 30. 

This program will serve three departure schedules in a day at 10:00 WIB, 13:00 WIB, and 16:00 WIB.

"In one day, nine buses, six motorcycle trucks and three escort cars will be dispatched, carrying a total of 270 people and 144 two-wheeled vehicles. During the seven days of the program, it is targeted to help 1,890 homecoming travelers," said Artanto.

Artanto said that the valet and ride program is expected to help the homecoming travelers,  especially those who travel by motorbike. The program was also launched to support the implementation of safe and comfortable homecoming for the community.


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