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INP Congratulates BPS on the 64th National Statistics Day

By Admin 1 Jumat, 27 September 2024 Pengunjung (16) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  The Indonesian National Police (INP)  Public Relations Division extended its greetings on the 64th National Statistics Day, which is celebrated on September 26 every year.

"We wish a happy 64th National Statistics Day," said INP Head of Public Relations Chief Inspector General Dr. Sandi Nugroho, Thursday (26/9/204).

This year's theme is "Quality Statistics for a Golden Indonesia."

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the National Statistics Day started in February 1920, when the Dutch East Indies government established the Directorate of Agriculture, Crafts, and Trade in Bogor to manage and publish statistical data. In September 1924, the activities moved to Batavia, and the agency became the Central Office for Statistics (CKS).

On 26 September 1960, the government enacted Law No. 7 of 1960 on Statistics. In 1996, the President officially declared 26 September 2024 as National Statistics Day to symbolize the independence of Indonesia’s statistical system from colonial regulations.

The day aims to raise public awareness about the crucial role of accurate and relevant data in supporting effective decision-making, especially in public policy.



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