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INP Dispatch Thousands Personnel to Secure PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (198) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Thousands of joint personnel deployed for the 2024 National Sport Week (PON) XXI Aceh-North Sumatra security as the event will officially be opened by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on September 9th, 2024.

Head of Indonesian National Police (INP) Public Relations Division, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho says the security in Aceh and North Sumatra is part of the Regional Police Operation. For Aceh Regional Police, the operation was codenamed Po Meurah Seulawah Operation while the North Sumatra Regional Police named the operation Hatra Toba Operation.

“For the security in Aceh, the number of personnel deployed consists of 4,579 police personnel, 4,190 military personnel, 1,154 government official personnel, and 162 National Search and Rescue Agency personnel, which brings the total joint personnel to 10,085 for PON XXI in Aceh,” says Sandi on Sunday (9/8/2024).

Meanwhile for the security in North Sumatra, Sandi reveals there are 4,970 joint personnel with 1,940 personnel from the Regional Operation Task Force, 1,819 personnel from the Sub-regional Operation Task Force, 182 personnel from INP Assigned Personnel, 428 from the military and 601 from the regional government.

On the other hand, for the security of VVIP guests, there are 5,093 joint personnel involved with 3,702 from the military, 1,071 from INP, and 320 from the regional government and related institutions.

“The operation will prioritize the preemptive and preventive approach, supported with intelligence activity and law enforcement to ensure PON XXI in Aceh and North Sumatra to go smoothly, secure, and orderly,” says Sandi.

Security personnel are stationed in several locations and will secure the arrival of the contingents, their accommodation, the venues, roads, and vital objects. There will also be security operations for the opening and closing ceremony of PON XXI.


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