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INP General Supervision Inspectorate Visits Kediri Sub-regional Police to Ensure 2024 General Election Security Preparation

By Cpiet Jumat, 08 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Tulungagung. The Operation Monitoring Team of Indonesian National Police (INP) General Supervision Inspectorate visits Kediri Sub-regional Police to inspect 2023-2024 Mantap Brata Operation (OMB) in Bercakap Kopi Café on Thursday (12/7/2023). Led by Police Brigadier General Irianto, as the Head of (OMB) Monitoring Team, the visit was aimed to inspect and monitor the preparation of 2024 General Election security operation in East java, particularly in OMB administration sector. “Our goals on this visit is to see the preparations of 9 Sub-regional Polices in East Java in facing the upcoming challenges of 2024 General Election, particularly on 2023-2024 OMB administration,” says Irianto. The visit also shows the commitment of East Java and its Sub-regional Polices to ensure 2024 General Election security goes smoothly and according to the Standard Operational Procedure. The visit of Monitoring Team also solidified the importance in ensuring all security aspects goes smoothly in East Java. (ad/pt/pr/nm)
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