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INP Investigate Social Media Account Threatening Anies Baswedan

By Cpiet Sabtu, 13 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (14) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) intensified efforts to address a shooting threat directed at presidential candidate number Anies Basweda, by delving into the details of the social media account responsible for the threat. "The INP has conducted an in-depth investigation into the account," said Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, the Head of Public Information of the INP Public Relations Division, during a press briefing on Friday (12/1/2024). However, he said that the police have not received any reports regarding the alleged threat from any party as of now, antaranews.com reported. Despite the absence of formal reports, the INP spokesperson urged the public to uphold unity to ensure a safe and peaceful electoral process in 2024. Anies recently faced a shooting threat from a netizen while live on the TikTok application. The Instagram account @rifanariansyah, identified as the possible suspect, is currently unavailable, presumably deleted by the user. Ahmad Sahroni, Vice-Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission III, responded to the shooting threat against the presidential candidate. He urged the police to ensure the safety of all presidential and vice-presidential candidates, particularly during the escalating campaign period. As a collaborator with the police, Sahroni called for a thorough examination of all forms of threats and provocations directed at any presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the virtual world. According to him, if left unaddressed, these threats could damage and exacerbate the atmosphere leading up to the election day. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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