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INP Traffic Corps Reports Trans Java Toll Road Volume Increased Significantly

By Cpiet Jumat, 05 April 2024 Pengunjung (12) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Traffic Corps says there is a significant increase in the Trans Java Toll Road on Thursday (4/4/2024). The police reported that approximately 61,871 vehicles crossed the toll gates. Head of INP Traffic Corps Ops Bureau, Senior Superintendent Eddy Junaedi explains that in normal situations, the traffic volume was around 26,000 vehicles. “Yesterday, there was a significant increase from the normal situation. It is quite significant as the increase reached 136.20% than the normal traffic flow,” quote the report on Friday (4/5/2024). Eddy explains that the increase in traffic is allegedly also because of a 10%-20% toll road discount. “We hoped that the discount was allegedly the cause of the increased traffic flow,” said Eddy. (ad/ay/pr/nm)
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