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INP Traffic Corps Stressed Special Plate Number Did Not Possess Road Privilage

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (17) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The vehicle with the plate number “ZZ” recently caught many attention as many thought it has special privilege on the road. In clarifying this issue, police stressed that this plate number is the same as the other plate number.

“This plate number did not have any privilege, they did not possess any priorities. If we are implementing an odd-even policy, the same regulation also applies to them. No special privilege for them, for the ZZP, ZZH plate number,” said the Indonesian National Police (INP) Traffic Corps Chief, Inspector General Aan Suhanan.

Aan says that the only difference of this plate number is only on the number. For the priorities on the road, police still refer to the applicable laws, in accordance with article 134 of Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

Moreover, the special plate number was only given to specific and limited individuals, such as ministers and director generals. Meanwhile the officials of the military and police also used specific vehicle plate numbers specifically for identification.


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