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INP Traffic Corps to Install Chip on Vehicle Number Plates

By Cpiet Selasa, 03 Januari 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. To prevent the use of fake license plates that are often used by motorists to escape odd-even traffic policy, the Indonesian National Police (INP) Traffic Corps planned to install chips on vehicle license plates. "The chip license plate is not yet (implemented) this year. It is still on planning. It will be implemented after the implementation of the color plates policy," said Police Brigadier General Yusri Yunus, the Director of Registration and Identification of the Indonesian National Police (INP) Traffic Corps, on Tuesday (3/1/2023). The director expected to implement the chip license plate policy in the next few years since the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology chips have been implemented in a number of countries in the world. The technology enables on-duty officers to access vehicle data through the chip plates or electronic ticket cameras. "Thus, vehicles that violate traffic can be identified quickly. Data from the vehicle is all there (whether) the vehicle has been in an accident, violated, got ticketed several times, it's all there," Brigadier General Yusri said. He added that his directorate would collaborate with a number of companies such as companies in the toll road sector to ease access through toll road gates. "Hopefully we will get a budget to use the technology. We have to since other countries have already been using RFID," he concluded. (bg/hn/um)
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