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Intelligence Data Boosts Drug Raids: Chief Mukti Juharsa

By Cpiet Sabtu, 11 Mei 2024 Pengunjung (23) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa, the Indonesian National Police (INP) Criminal Investigation Agency’s Director of Narcotics Criminal Investigation said on Friday (10/5/2024) that every drug raid they conduct is backed by intelligence data.

Throughout 2024, his directorate have uncovered several drug factories in Indonesia, such as in April when they raided a 'happy water' drug factory in Semarang, Central Java and an ecstasy factory owned by drug network kingpin Fredy Pratama's network in Sunter, North Jakarta.

"We conduct joint investigations with intelligence. The discovery of these factories is thanks to intelligence," said Chief Mukti.

From 21 September 2023 to 6 May 2024, the P3GN Task Force of the INP Criminal Investigation Agency and regional police across the country have arrested 28,382 drug suspects. 

Out of these suspects, 23,333 are under investigation, and 5,049 are undergoing rehabilitation.

As for the evidence seized during this period, it includes 3.78 tons of methamphetamine, 1,226,404 ecstasy pills, 1.78 tons of marijuana, 11.34 tons of cocaine, 141.4 kilograms of synthetic tobacco, 32.27 kilograms of ketamine, 86 grams of heroin, and 8,103,730 units of prescription drugs.


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