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Irwasum Polri and Kapolda Sumut Inspect the Return Flow at Tebittinggi Exit

By Cpiet Senin, 09 Mei 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Inspectorate of General Supervision (Irwasum) of the National Police (Polri), Commissioner General Agung Budi Maryoto, accompanied by the North Sumatra Police Chief (Kapolda Sumut) Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak inspects the Integrated Security Post at the Tebingtingi toll exit, Sunday (08/05/22). The arrival of Irwasum Polri and his entourage were welcomed by the Chief of the Tebingtinggi Police (Kapolres Tebingtinggi), AKBP M Kunto Wibisono, the Mayor of Tebingtinggi Umar Zunaidi Hasibuan, the Chairman of the Tebingtinggi Legislative and other officials. Commissioner General Agung Budi Maryoto explained that his arrival was to ensure that the personnel of Integrated Security Post at the Tebing Tinggi Toll Exit to work diligently in serving the community during the Eid al-Fitr 1443 H holiday. Irwasum Polri and Kapolda Sumut also greeted the travelers who passed the Tebing Tinggi toll gate. "I'm here to carry out the task of supervising operations related to the Ketupat Operation in the jurisdiction of the North Sumatra Regional Police and from our inspection, everything goes well. Even so, personnel are still encouraged to continue to improve their health protocol enforcement to the public because the Covid-19 is still spreading,"explained Irwasum Polri. After inspecting the Tebing Tinggi toll gate, the three-star General said that several points of the route in North Sumatra were experiencing congestion but could be resolved immediately. The increasing volume of vehicles, due to the high enthusiasm of people who prohibited from making a trip to their hometow for the past two years, automatically causes traffic jams for kilometers at several routes. "Nationally, the security for traffic during Eid homecoming is safe. However, there are still some traffic jams due to the volume of vehicles that has increased significantly compared to the previous two years," said the Akabri graduate in 1988. Police officers will hold an enhanced routine operation (KRYD) for the next week, because there are still people who return to their respective areas for the Lebaran holiday.
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