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Joint TFG Conducted, INAF-INP Synergy Key to the success of the ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Minggu, 07 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (27) 4 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Labuan Bajo. The National Police Chief (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (INAF) Admiral Yudo Margono carried out inspections of the troops and defense equipment which will later be used to secure the 42nd ASEAN Summit. Furthermore, the INAF-INP leadership carried out the Tactical Floor Game (TFG).

According to the Chief of INP, implementing the TFG is vital to provide the same understanding to INAF, INP, BIN (National Intelligence Agency), BSSN (National Cyber and Crypto Agency), and agencies personnel in securing the ASEAN Summit.

"All of this must have the same understanding, especially related to who should do what. Then if there is an incident, how will it be resolved related to the stages of the decision to be taken, whether it can be decided directly or whether this must be reported and orders come from above," explained the Chief of INP in Labuan Bajo, NTT, Sunday (7/5/23).

With this common understanding, the Chief of INP said, later on, in various kinds of problems, ranging from normal situations to yellow, red, and contingencies, all members carrying out their duties understand and understand their duties. Because the same understanding is important so that the implementation of the ASEAN Summit runs safely and successfully.

"So of course we agree that with the synergy and solidity that we have built, we will continue to strengthen it, it is the key to being able to carry out this series of security activities optimally. That is the key to success in how we can secure this event properly," said General Sigit.

The former Chief of Regional Banten Police said that his party had prepared anticipation or solutions related to the demonstration at the ASEAN Summit, namely by establishing communication with parties who wished to express their opinions.

"We hope that we can mitigate the existing problems and solve them. Of course, we will help with communication regarding matters of a demonstration nature. And what is the pattern of handling them? So that on the one hand, freedom of expression can still be given. But on the other hand others, not to interfere with the ASEAN Summit process itself. That is the main thing," he said.

Another matter of concern is related to the threat of interference with acts of terrorism. He said that a meeting had been held and a detection task force had been prepared, which would monitor the people we suspect.

"So we have installed it in several corners, starting from the airport to venue accommodation and routes that have been passed, so that the targets that we have followed so far will be monitored with the tools we have and of course, if they are monitored, we will immediately take them. step," explained General Sigit.

Furthermore, he said if there was a threat related to goods or objects, which were considered suspicious, security officers had prepared a K-9 team and a bomb squad (Jibom).

"So how can we prepare for the evacuation of things like that but also don't let it later become an issue that disrupts the ASEAN Summit process," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the INAF, Admiral Yudo Margono, invited people who want to work together with INAF-INP to secure the ASEAN Summit. According to him, this is proof that the people are also proud that Indonesia has been trusted to chair the 42nd ASEAN Summit.

"We choose this place in Labuan Bajo in the hope that we can bring forward the welfare of the people in Labuan Bajo in particular, and bring Indonesia to the international scene. Of course, we will involve religious leaders, indigenous peoples, and youth to carry out security with the INAF-INP," said the Commander.


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