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Karanganyar BPBD Urge Status Level for Mount Lawu Fire to Emergency Response

By Cpiet Rabu, 04 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Karanganyar. Mount Lawu fire is still raging as officials continuously give their all in extinguishing the fire for days. Head of Karanganyar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Yulipadmi Handayani explains that the wildfire still moving and spread wide in Mount Lawu. She states that the fire is now spread into Central Java, specifically in Jenawi and Ngargoyoso. “Several small fires can still be handled, however the fires in three locations is still raging until now. The fires in Hargo Tiling and Hargo Puroso reportedly has entered Central Java,” says BPBD Karanganyar head in her written statement, quoted from Radar Solo on Tuesday (10/3/2023). She also states that since the first fire started in Ngawi, East Java, reported the fire now has decimated lands of 20 hectares which mostly are forests and reed areas. Responding to this dire situation, her parties will meet Karanganyar mayor and urge to put the status level to emergency response. This move is to send the messages that the fire incident is a serious matter and require faster, stronger, and better help and effort to overcome the issue. “Because this fire has reached to two provinces, we suggest the mayor to handle this matter seriously,” she said. Currently, Mount Lawu situation is under continuous monitoring of Indonesian Military Forces, Indonesian National Police, BPBD, volunteers, and locals. (ad/pt/pr/nm)
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