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Lack of Sexual Education Catalyst the Increase of Abuse Case

By Pramudita Senin, 30 September 2024 Pengunjung (253) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Education observer, Professor Jejen Musfah, said that the lack of sex education in Indonesia is one of the factors influencing the increase in cases of immoral acts in the educational realm.

In his statement, he said that although there is no special subject on sex education. Students must be given an understanding of the dangers and negative impacts of immoral behavior.

"In Indonesia, sex education is not yet part of the main curriculum. Meanwhile, Thailand actively campaigns for the use of protective equipment to prevent health risks," he said, as reported by the RRI page, Friday (27/9/24).

This needs to be a concern, especially in educating students. "The importance of protecting yourself from immoral acts," he said.

He also highlighted the role of the school committee as a representation of parents and the community. The school committee must be more active in discussing sensitive issues like this and not consider it a taboo topic.

"The community around the school also needs to play a role in supervising student activities outside of school. Such as when they gather in public places," he said.

With an active role from the school, parents, committee, and community. It is hoped that immoral acts in educational environments can be prevented more effectively.


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