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Lampung Security Joint Force Arrest Three Thugs for Illegal Levies in Lintas Sumatra Road

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (17) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The joint forces of Tekab 308 of North Lampung Sub-regional Police and Lampung Regional Police apprehended three thugs for committing illegal levies at Lintas Sumatra Road, North Lampung.

The three thugs were IA, B, and T. They were arrested by the police during a police control operation on thuggery, illegal levies, and extortion.

“Yes, we have secured three thugs for illegal levies in the jurisdiction of North Lampung," said the Head of Lampung Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Umi Fadilah Astutik on Sunday (7/28/2024).

The three suspects were arrested at two different locations on the Lintas Sumatra Road.

The first suspect, IA, was arrested in Ulak Rengas Village along with a four unit motorcycle.

Then, the police moved to Way Sabuk Village and arrested the other two suspects, B and T who extort vehicles who cross the road.

“The three suspects and the evidence have been moved to Lampung Regional Police for further investigation,” said Umi.

Moreover, Umi implores the public, particularly the truck driver to beware when crossing prone areas.


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