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Law Ministry Urge Designers to Register their IP to Prevent Plagiarism

By Admin INP Jumat, 10 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (125) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Law implores designers to register their intellectual property (IP) to prevent all forms of plagiarism that can lead to moral and economic losses for creators and designers.

Director of Copyright and Industrial Design, Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law Agung Damarsasongko said that all forms of violations of intellectual property can be prevented by submitting registration and/or recording.

"This is done to minimize the losses of creators who have devoted their time, creativity, and money in creating their works," said Director Agung on Wednesday (1/9/2025).

He conveyed several forms of intellectual property protection that designers can apply for to protect their fashion design work, one of which is protection for copyright and industrial design.

For copyright, it will provide protection for original works created in the form of expressions such as motif designs.

While industrial design to protect the aesthetic appearance of a product includes shapes, lines, patterns, or color combinations that provide visual value to a work.

Director Agung explained that without intellectual property protection, designers will continue to face the risk of losing rights to their work.

In the midst of the booming fast fashion industry, he said there are major challenges for designers or creators where their designs or works are often adopted without permission and mass-produced.

"This not only has an impact on economic losses but also kills innovation and creativity which are the heart of the fashion industry," said Director Agung.

Director Agung said that DJKI has made various innovations in an effort to improve public services to the community, one of which is in the form of online intellectual property registration and recording services.


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