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Major Drug Network Successfully Uncovered by South Tangerang Sub-regional Police

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (126) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. South Tangerang Sub-regional Police announced uncovered drug criminal cases from August to September. From the cases, police have arrested 15 suspects with 11 of them are men and four others are women.

“There are some major cases that we have uncovered during our operation in August to September. First is a group who smuggled the drugs from islands to islands, while the other two are part of drug international rings,” says the Head of South Tangerang Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Victor Inkiriwang on Thursday (10/24/2024).

Victor also reveals that his party has seized a total of 642 kilograms of marijuana, 7.8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, and 1.1 kilograms of ecstasy powder or MDMA.

“The arrest on meth smugglers from a drug international ring was part of our collaboration with Soekarno Hatta Customs and Pasar Baru Customs," explained the South Tangerang Sub-regionalPolice Chief.

Head of South Tangerang Sub-regional Police Drug Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Senior Inspector Bachtiar Noprianto explains there are several ways the drug criminals carried out their operation in smuggling the drugs, from selling it through social media to hiding it into stainless steel cigarette ashtray to trick officers.


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