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Minister PU Accelerate Access Opening in Handling Pekalongan Landslide and Flood

By Admin INP Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (80) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo said that his party is accelerating the opening of access and installation of Bailey bridges in handling landslides and floods in Petungkriyono District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java.

The Minister of PU said that handling landslides and floods in Pekalongan is prioritized on cleaning up landslide material and handling fallen trees to open up public access.

"First, we will do detailed mapping via BBPJN (National Road Implementation Center) of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta drones, but we will wait for the weather to calm down first. We prioritize opening access first, so that no one is isolated," said the Minister of PU on Thursday (1/30/2025).

In order to assist the Pekalongan Regency Government, the BBPJN of the Ministry of PU Central Java-DI Yogyakarta has deployed various heavy equipment, including one PC-50 mini excavator, two PC 75 units and a PC 70 breaker to help open the road section from Kasimbar Village to Kafe Allo to Jimat Bridge 2 in Petungkriono Village which was cut off to open access for mobilizing bridge materials.

Meanwhile, larger equipment such as an excavator equivalent to PC-200 will be sent immediately to accelerate the handling of the relocation of roads that were cut off due to landslides under the road by considering and evaluating the ability of the access road that will be passed by equipment with larger tonnage and size.

The Minister of PU said that in addition to opening road access, the Ministry of PU also prioritizes the installation of emergency bridges (Bailey bridges) as temporary connections between villages that collapsed due to flash floods from the Weloh River and Kasimpar River.

Currently, one unit of Bailey bridge has been prepared from BBPJN Central Java-DI Yogyakarta which has been mobilized to Pekalongan with a length of 30 meters which will be used for an emergency bridge at Jimat Bridge 2 in Kayupuring Village.

With the completion of the installation of the Bailey bridge while waiting for the construction of the permanent bridge, it is expected to help the community in carrying out their daily activities after the flood disaster in the Petungkriyono District area.

"Earlier I said that we are focusing on installing the emergency bridge first, hopefully in a matter of days, but for the permanent bridges, it may take time, as we have to draw the plan first," explained the Minister of PU.


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