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Ministry of Communication and Information Asked Fintech Players to Collaborate in Eradicating Online Gambling

By Pramudita Sabtu, 14 September 2024 Pengunjung (186) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. As a commitment of companies joined in the Indonesia Fintech Association (AFTECH) with the Ministry of Communication and Information, fintech industrial players are urged to seriously eradicate and prevent online gambling in Indonesia.

The Communication and Information Minister Budi Arie Setiadi reminds them to seriously fulfill their commitment to strengthen the eradication and prevention effort of online gambling.

“We expect the fintech players to assess their electronic system. To eradicate and/or prevent any kinds of online gambling activities,” explains Minister Budi on Wednesday (9/11/2024).

According to him, assessment is important to be carried out routinely so the chances of the system to be misused for online gambling are slim.

The second commitment is for them to be proactive in collaboration, to share their ideas and breakthroughs in eradicating online gambling.

Minister Budi admitted that his party needs the advice and recommendation from external parties who actively develop fintech solutions. These fintech players are also the people who deeply understand the condition and situation on how digital transactions works.

Lastly, the commitment that needs to be fulfilled is that industry players meet the requirements and register themselves as Electronic System Organizers (PSE) to the Ministry of Communication and Information system.

This needs to be fulfilled so that in providing services to the public, fintech players in Indonesia can meet all applicable provisions.

In terms of eradicating online gambling, the Ministry of Communication and Information has previously involved AFTECH in declaring support for the government. 


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