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Mount Semeru Erupts, Spewing 1.3 km Ash Above Summit

By Cpiet Sabtu, 03 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Lumajang.  Mount Semeru, situated on the border of Lumajang and Malang regencies in East Java, has erupted once again, with the eruption column reaching a height of 1.3 kilometers above the summit on Friday (2/2/2024) at 3.21 pm. "The eruption was recorded on the seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 23 mm and a duration of 124 seconds. The volcanic ash moved towards the northeast, displaying a thick intensity," said Sigit Rian Alfian, an official at the Mount Semeru Volcano Observatory Post, as reported by antaranews.com. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) issued a Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation (VONA) in orange status, indicating the potential for eruption. Airlines are advised to exercise caution, as the orange status also implies a potentially hazardous eruption code. All aircraft are urged to avoid the area around the mountain. People are advised not to engage in any activities in the southeast sector along Besuk Kobokan, up to 13 km from the summit. Beyond this distance, activities are prohibited within 500 meters from the riverbank along Besuk Kobokan, as there is potential for the expansion of hot clouds and lava flows up to 17 km from the summit. People are also prohibited from activities within a 5 km radius from the summit of Mount Semeru due to the risk of rockfall.  Local residents are urged to remain vigilant about potential hot clouds, lava flows, and mudflows along river valleys originating from Mount Semeru's summit, especially along Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, and Besuk Sat, as well as the potential for mudflows in small rivers that are tributaries of Besuk Kobokan. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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