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National Police's Chief of The Police Educational Institutes and Training Command Opens Class I Transfer Education for FY 2021

By Cpiet Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (4) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Sukabumi. National Police's The Police Educational Institutes and Training Command, Pol. General Commissioner Rycho Amelza Dahniel, has officially opened Class Transfer Education (PAG) from NCO to become a Police Officer. The opening ceremony of the 2021 Polri PAG will be held at the Sutadi Police Officers Candidate School Field of the National Police Education and Training Command, Sukabumi, West Java. National Police's Chief of Educational Institutes and Training Command said that the National Police's PAG in 2021 would be held in two waves. The first batch opens on October 11, 2021, and will close on November 10, 2021, with 1,253 students and 1202 male police officers (Polki) and 51 female police officers (Polwan). National Police's The Police Educational Institutes and Training Command said that the education process would be held for a month. "This is divided into 804 people in Police Officers Candidate School, 100 people in the Sabhara Education Center, 99 people in the Community and Society Development Unit of Education Center, 100 people in the Mobile Brigade Education Center, 75 people in the Minimum Education Center and 75 people in the Security and Intelligence of Education Center. One month is a short time, instil determination and commitment in each student to learn and continue to learn, because life is long learning (life long learning) and will never end to learn (the never-ending process of learning)" explained the Chief of Educational Institutes and Training Command. National Police's Educational Institutes and Training Command emphasized that educational institutions are an essential aspect in the development of National Police's human resources, and the key to its success is the teachers or girls, instructors and caregivers who must be able to formulate education and training policies in responding to the challenges of increasingly dynamic tasks. "Improve competency-based knowledge, professionalism, and integrity to achieve a precise transformation of the National Police. The police are required to gain the people's trust, but the level of people's trust must be high in the police. The key is that the National Police must prepare human resources as their main tool and strength, which are superior, more competitive, creative and innovative," said National Police's Chief of Police Educational Institutes and Training Command. The opening ceremony of PAG wave I in 2021 was attended by the Main Officials of the National Police Headquarters, the High-Rank Officers of the National Police's Educational Institutes and Training Command, Head of the National Police's Educational Institutes and Training Command Headquarters, Brigadier General Pol Mardiaz Kusin Dwihananto, the Head Unit of Education and Training Command: Regional Leadership Communication Forum and all the National Police's Chief of Police Educational Institutes and Training Command of Police Officers Candidate School Personnel. The ceremony took place solemnly and by implementing strict health protocols (Prokes). After the ceremony, National Police's TPolice Educational Institutes and Training Command headed to the main meeting room of the National Police's Educational And Training Command from Police Officers Candidate School to receive a report on the readiness of PAG for the first batch of 2021 from the National Police's Chief of Education and Training Command from Police Officers Candidate School, Brigadier General Pol Mardiaz Kusin Dwihananto.
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