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New Malang Police Chief Visits Kanjuruhan Stampede Victims in His First Day of Office

By Cpiet Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  In his first day as Malang Police Chief, AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana, he chose to visit the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy who were still being treated at the Kanjuruhan Hospital, Malang, East Java, Tuesday (11/10/22). AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana explained that currently there are four victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy who are still undergoing medical treatment at the Kanjuruhan Hospital, they are Vicky (20) from Porong, Sidoarjo; Dayangga (22) from Randublatung, Blora, Central Java; Amanda (18) from Kromengan, Malang; and Mareta (20) from Kepanjen, Malang. “We met each victims who were undergoing treatment in the emergency room. The victims, who have gone through a surgery, are still experiencing psychological trauma. In our convesation, we talked a bit about the tragedy,” explained the new Malang Police Chief. Regarding psychological trauma, the new appointed Police Chief added that his party had collaborated with the East Java Regional Police's Medical and Health Division and the National Police Headquarters to bring in a trauma healing team. This is to heal the trauma experienced by the victims after the incident. “All victims have been listed in our data, both victims who have returned from the hospital and those who are still being treated. They will be protected and financed by the government. We will also bring the trauma healing team and the medical team to them," said AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana.
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