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North Maluku Regional Police Celebrates Isra Mi’raj with Sermon

By Cpiet Kamis, 08 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. In commemoration of the holy day of Prophet Muhammad SAW Isra Mi’raj, Vice Head of North Maluku Regional Police, Brigadier General Samudi along with key officials and members attended the gathering held at North Maluku Regional Police Mosque on Wednesday (2/7/2024). The activity invites Al Habib Zaky bin Abdurrahman Alaydrus as the one who will give the sermon about the importance of leadership in Islam. In his sermon, Al Habib says that leadership is not merely about a title, however a skill and art that requires the capabilities in influencing people to achieve common goals. Al Habib noted that true leadership is not just about inspiring others through words, but also giving the best example for those who followed them. Characteristic leaders are those who can keep their promises and show their integrity in every action. In Islamic teachings, keeping promises is considered as a reflection of strong faith and noble character. In his last remarks of his sermon, Al Habib emphasized that an ideal leadership are those who follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW, who are honest, responsible, and brave in voicing what is right and what is wrong. (ad/mz/pr/nm)
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