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North Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Announces Talawaan as a Alcohol-Aware Village

By Cpiet Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021 Pengunjung (19) 3 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Manado. North Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, Pol. General Inspector Nana Sudjana declared that Talawaan Village, located in Talawaan District, North Minahasa Regency, became a village or village that was aware of the dangers of alcohol.

The declaration was carried out at the Wanua Talawaan General Meeting Hall (BPU), witnessed by the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of North Minahasa Regency, local District and Village officials, several Main Officials of the North Sulawesi Regional Police, Minut Police Officers, religious leaders and community leaders.

The declaration was marked by the signing of the inscription followed by pressing the button to unveil the nameplate 'Desa Sadar Alcohol' by the North Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, accompanied by the North Minahasa's Regional Leadership Coordination Forum.

In his remarks, the Regional Police Chief expressed his gratitude and greatest appreciation to the North Minahasa Regional Police for collaborating with the North Minahasa Regency Government and related agencies, especially those in Talawaan Village who have carried out activities to educate the public about the dangers of consuming excessive alcohol and making breakthrough in the use of alcohol into hand sanitizer and palm sugar.

“Consuming too much alcohol could have a negative impact on our health, also lead to an increase in crime rates and an increase in the number of accidents caused by drunk driving. It could also damage the younger generation,” explained the North Sulawesi Regional Police Chief.

Based on available data, from January to April 2021, there were 326 cases of abuse and 180 cases of which were caused by alcohol consumption. There were also 6 murder cases, 4 of them because of drunkenness. According to the Regional Police, various efforts have been made by the Police in anticipating criminal acts, such as making alert, informing, and operating alcohol and guns.

The Regional Police Chief also invites parents to monitor the behavior and interactions of their children so as not to consume alcohol, also asks the role of religious leaders and community leaders to always remind the public to stay away from alcohol.

In this activity, the Regional Police Chief also took the time to watch the process of making hand sanitizer through video shows and see first hand the process of making palm sugar and bracelet cakes from palm trees.

"This declaration is the first in North Sulawesi, we hope that Talawaan Village will become a pilot project for a healthy village or village that is aware of the dangers of alcohol," he concluded.

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