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North Sumatra Regional Police Extinguished Fire in Maris Village

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (18) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - South Tapanuli. The mobile brigade unit of North Sumatra Regional Police has successfully extinguished the fire in Maris Village. The fire occured near the Pioneer Battalion C Command Headquarters on Friday (7/26/2024).

The Pioneer Battalion C Commander, Police Senior Inspector Ahmad Junaidi Sinaga personnaly led the extinguishion effort. Initial investigation suggest that the fire broke out due to irresponsible individual who burned the trash carelessly, igniting the woods and leaves, spreading the fire quickly.

Quoted from cakrawalanusantara, the fire successfully extinguished without any fatalities. Quick response from the team was heavily appreciated by the locals considering the potential damage it could cause.

The fire serves as reminder for all people to be careful when burning the trashes, particularly during the dry season. The authorities implore the public to always beware and immediately report any similar accident for quick handling.


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