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NTT Assigned Hundreds of Police Members to Flores and Timor for Election Security

By Cpiet Senin, 12 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – East Nusa Tenggara. The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police assigned hundreds of members to Flores and Timor for election voting day security on Sunday (2/11/2024). The send-off for the assigned personnel was held in NTT Regional Police HQ. Head Ops of NTT Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Deonijiu De Fatima says that there are 71 personnel assigned to West Manggarai Sub-regional Police led by Police Senior Inspector Lutfi Darmawan, and 25 personnel assigned to Manggarai Sub-regional Police led by Police Senior Inspector Yohanis Blegur. Before sending his personnel to sub-regional polices, Deonijiu advised his personnel to maintain their chemistry between each other and stay vigilant during security operation. Moreover, Deonijiu emphasized the importance in reviewing the polling stations and the location thoroughly. If there are any significant security disturbances, immediately report to the high officials for further actions. “Our duty is only for security. So, perform your duties professionally, firmly, and with humanist approach,” says Deonijiu. Other than to West Manggarai and Manggarai, NTT Regional Police also assigned 36 personnel to Malaka Sub-regional Police led by Police Senior Inspector Amru Ichsan, 69 assigned personnel to North Timur Tengah Sub-regional police, and Power on Hand Mobile Brigade for North Timur Tengah Sub-regional Police Chief and Kupang Sub-regional Police Chief each 21 personnel led by First Police Inspector Bento Paria and Second Police Inspector Venancio Dacosta. (ad/ri/pr/mn)
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