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NTT Deputy Police Chief Oversees Police Academy Admission Exam

By Cpiet Kamis, 09 Mei 2024 Pengunjung (24) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Kupang. Brigadier General Pol. Awi Setiyono, the Deputy Chief of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police directly monitored and supervised the psychological test selection for the 2024 integrated admission of the Police Academy cadet at SMKN 3 Kupang on Wednesday (8/5/2024).

He interacted with participants to assess their readiness for the psychological testing process, encouraging them to participate earnestly, believe in their abilities, and continue learning.

"My visit here aims to ensure smooth proceedings, free from irregularities, and well-participated by all. Please take the test seriously, and I urge the committee to perform their duties diligently," Deputy Chief Awi said.

He emphasized that the selection process upholds the principles of  Clean, Transparent, Accountable, and Humanistic, supervised by internal and external supervisors.

The psychological testing process utilizes the CAT system and follows a one-day-one-service pattern. Test results will be immediately available to participants through computerized systems.

Internal supervision comes from the East Nusa Tenggara’s Supervisory Inspectorate (Itwasda) and the Professional Development and Security Bureau, while external supervisors include the Indonesian Psychologist Association (HIMPSI) East Nusa Tenggara and the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) in Kupang.


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